Get HIV Prep And PEP Online

Every Second Counts

PEP must be taken within 72 hours of

possible HIV exposure to increase

effectiveness in reducing the risk of an HIV infection.

Get HIV Prep And PEP Online

What is PEP?

PEP, or post-exposure prophylaxis, is a medication taken after situations in which the risk of exposure to HIV is high.

Not all factors can be accounted for and accidents can happen, increasing the risk of HIV exposure.

PEP can stop HIV from taking root in these situations and reduces the risk of an HIV infection by 70%.

Get Pep For Hiv Exposure

Is PEP right for you?

PEP benefits you if a recent incident left you at risk for HIV. PEP is an emergency drug that is prescribed if you:

  • Had unprotected sex with an HIV positive partner.

  • Had unprotected sex with a partner whose sexual history is unclear (partner of unknown HIV status).

  • Were sexually assaulted.

  • Shared needles, syringes, or other equipment used to inject drugs.

  • Had an accidental exposure in a healthcare setting.

* Please note: PEP medication must be taken within 72 hours of potential exposure to be effective. The sooner, the better. *

Know about HIV preexposure prophylaxis

We've got you covered

PEP is covered by your insurance.

Don't have insurance? No problem!

We can help you get it for free through medication assistance programs.

Get PEP confidentially and stress-free from Aviva Pharmacy today!

How To Get PEP

Our team at Aviva Pharmacy is trained and certified to assess whether PEP is right for you, and can dispense your PEP medications.

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Still Have Questions?


+ What is PEP?

PEP stands for Post Exposure Prophylaxis. People take PEP when they believe they might have been exposed to HIV, when they have engaged in risky behavior such as unprotected sex or sharing needles, or have been a victim of sexual assault.

+ How effective is PEP?

If taken within 72 hours of exposure, PEP is 70% effective in preventing HIV. The sooner you take it, the better, every hour counts. PEP must be taken everyday for 28 days post exposure. Being exposed to HIV is scary! We at Aviva strive to provide you with protection and peace of mind.

+ How do I know if I am eligible for PEP?

To determine your eligibility for PEP, please conduct this survey ←(Hyperlink to survey here) and schedule an appointment or walk-in to Aviva Pharmacy. Once here, you will have a confidential consultation with our Pharmacist who will determine your eligibility Shafor, prescribe, and dispense PEP to you. We can also help get you started on PrEP←(Hyperlink to PrEP page here) so that you can take control of your sexual health and proactively protect yourself from HIV.

+ What are the side effects of PEP?

PEP may cause nausea or other side effects in some people. However these side effects are not life-threatening and can be easily treated.

+ Can I take PEP whenever I need it?

PEP should only be used in emergency situations. Unlike PrEP, it is not to be taken for regular use as a preventative measure. If you are often exposed to HIV, we can help you start a routine to keep yourself protected.

+ Is PEP covered for me?

PEP is covered by most insurance, we can help you determine coverage. If for some reason you cannot use insurance or are uninsured, we can help you apply for free medication through the medication assistance program. If you are seeking out PEP after a sexual assault, you may qualify for complete medication coverage through the Office for Victims of Crime, funded by the U.S. Department of Justice.

+ Can I use PEP to prevent an HIV infection?

PEP is an emergency measure for individuals who have been exposed to HIV in the past 72 hours. It is not meant for individuals who have not potentially been exposed. If you lead a lifestyle with a high risk of HIV exposure, PrEP may be right for you. Learn more about PrEP here.

Patient Testimonials


"I was impressed with how quickly they were able to get PEP. The Aviva team was very helpful."


The team at Aviva got me the help I needed professionally. I needed PEP and I got it fast. The staff was professional and helpful, they were patient with me and answered all my questions."


"I was nervous going to Aviva at first, but when I got there for PEP, I knew I was in good hands. The staff is very informative and professional."


"Avivia has really good customer service. I told them what was going on and they gave me information about PEP. Great staff and friendly service!"